-Ria Nisar Periods. A phenomenon unique to girls is a monthly occurrence for them. The dictionary definition of menstruation is ‘’the process in a woman of discharging blood and other material from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until the menopause, except during pregnancy.’ ’ Common taboos will make you think that the blood expelled during menstruation is impure, dirty or bad blood. Thus, invoking the word 'periods' in a crowded place might lead to one getting shameful and reproachful looks as there is a negative connotation surrounding the word. But, in reality, it’s just like any other bodily fluid. Blood that is born without violence, blood linked to the creation of life. The stigmatization of periods can be traced ages back. The origin of this myth dates back to is often linked to Indra's slaying of Vritras. For, it has been declared in the Veda that guilt, of killing a brahmana-murder (Vritras), appears every month as me