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Showing posts from September, 2021

Mental Health and You

-Sohini Dhar, Saptak Chakraborty and Somya Negi Saniya is a student, she gets up at nine in the morning and works on the screen throughout the day, trying to catch up with the hectic submissions, and their due dates. After finishing that one assignment, she procrastinates a little, until she realizes, she’s going to have to give up on the nights  sleep to be able to finish the other one. Saniya is like all the other students, trying to keep up their desired grades in university. The environment of self-isolation and the amount of stress involved in this has led a lot of students and young adults to feel stressed, and anxious.  People who are overburdened with pressure often feel stressed. Stress is a mere reaction and response exhibited by our body. Some amount of stress can be useful, it can help us push through our comfort zone. However, excessive amounts can leave us overwhelmed. This is what eventually leads to anxiety. Anxiety is a further reaction to stress. It has no clear cau