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Why shelter home isn’t a final piece of the puzzle to curb homelessness?

-Ria Nisar In wealthy and posh cities, residents can name several high-end material items as their most prized assets. Some might have a trendy fitted kitchen and others might have the latest innovation in technology as their new arm-candy. But, when the sun stops glistening off the chrome windows of their extravagant cars, at that moment the street lights are illuminated; that lamp serves as a source of light to many people living on the streets. These street dwellers can only call a half torn blanket, a rusty stove, old clothes stripped of their colour & print, their own. They live in a house of cards that can be blown away by the slightest breeze.  'Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and only the uprooted comprehend.' – Wallace Stegner. Homelessness is an issue that plagues any country. But, in this cruel world, people are desensitised to the issue. By ignoring the reality of the homeless, people are refusing to acknowledge their existen
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